Claude joined us in October 2019 from Kawaicoon cattery in Paris. A Blue Smoke, he is a big boy and a veritable teddy bear! A wonderful nature, he's happy on your lap or nearby and loves a tummy rub!

Pascale joined us in November 2019 from Montpelier in the South of France from the wonderful Darkstarcat's cattery. Pascale is like a little puppy, he trots along next to you and sleeps at your feet (he's a perfect office cat!)

Tinkerbelle is our first Queen and mother to Agatha, Christie and Fifi. She's beautiful and quiet with the most beautiful fluffy tummy! She's the calmest of the cats and has been a superstar mum!

Fifi was bred by us in May 2021 and is the daughter of Tinkerbell and Claude. She is extremely affectionate, a very fluffy girl who has recently had her first litter with Pascal.
We hope to have further litters from her and Pascal - she's proving a natural mother!

Evie is the daughter of Pascal and a friends Queen (Cossett). She is extremely friendly and playful, born in September 2021 - she is still very kitten like.
We are hoping for kittens from her and Claude in 2023.

Carstev Flower (Snowball) has recently joined us and is already proving a very popular character at home! Extremely chatty and people orientated, she's gradually settling in and we hope for kittens late in 2023 with either Claude or Pascal.