We set up Carraracoon Cattery in 2018. Starting with Phoebe who was a rescue and our pet, we quickly fell in love with the breed and became interested in breeding ourselves. Shortly afterwards I met a wonderful breeder locally who kindly spent the time educating me on the importance of health testing, the right environment for kittens to be raised in and what to look for in the lines that I breed. Tinkerbell joined us as my queen and will be having her final litter in 2023 (fingers crossed!). At the end of 2019 Claude and Pascale joined us from France and we have kept two lovely kittens (one from each of them - Fifi and Evangeline). Tinkerbell is mother to Fifi and before her we had Christie and Agatha who both had litters with Claude. Agatha and Christie have now both been ‘retired from duty’.
As life has got busier with work we have decided to retire from breeding for now.I already miss the kittens but maybe we will come back to it in the future. For now we’re enjoying time with the cats post neutering.

Outside Space
It was really important to me that all our cats have space outside to relax, take in the sun and play. Early in 2020 we had built a fantastic garden space for both the boys and girls, giving them inside/outside access. I've planted up some additional cat friendly plants and some logs to play on and will look at new ways to give them entertainment as time goes on. Perhaps a water feature next as we all know how much Maine Coons love a fountain!